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Nancy Longmate First Swim watercolor 11.5H x 15W $250
by Nancy Longmate

News to Know!
Meeting to be held at
University of Saint Francis
FWAG March Members Meeting
Wed. March 19 at 6pm
at the Rolland Art Center,
University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne
Justin Johnson
Justin, gallery curator at the University, will present a program explaining his thought process when judging a show; the artistic importance of correct framing and photographing your artwork and choices he makes in hanging a show.
We are also invited to arrive at 5:30 pm to view
an exhibition of 43 of Davis Levin's photographs which portray the restoration of violins played during the Holocaust. Several of these violins will be on display.
Please join us
Parking lot and building entrance is off Leesburg Road between Spring St.
and West Main St.

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